Thursday, April 19, 2012


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On Sunday, 11th March 2012, the Super Salis Cricket Club conducted a Blood Donation Camp at the Anantha Ashrama in Gandhinagar in assocation with Rastrattona Rakta Nidhi under the guidance of Bhagwan Surasgar.

The programme started at around 10am and went on till 2 pm.

The Programme attracted about 56 Donators of Blood and did their best for the betterment of the Swakula Sali Samaj in particular and the entire Bangalore society in general.

The Chief Guest at the Camp., Sri.Surasgar.S.N.Gangadhar announced that he is ever  ready to support these type of social upliftment programmes.

The representative from the Rastratthona Blood Bank explained "Donating Blood reduces your Heart related ailments and even Cancer". 

The programmed was compeered by Srikanth Matrubai who advised the organisers Super Salis Cricket Club to change their name from "Cricket Club" to the more meaningful "Super Salis Cultural Associaton" .
He also explained the benefits of the doing the same by which Tax Benefits under Sec 80G could also become applicable. 

Srikanth Matrubai also urged the Super Salis Cricket Club to take the help of Swakula Chetana and Sri Jihveshvara Vidyabhivrudhi Trust in future to make these types of programme much more successful.

The programmed had the food sponsored by Vanjre Hanumantha Rao and their family who also volunteered that he would be ever willing to do the same for more number of programmes.
It is really heartening to note that within just 3 months of formation the SUPERSALIS CRICKET CLUB has shown the dedication and commitment towards the upliftment of the Swakula Sali community.

However, it was sad to note that inspite of so many Cricket Teams participating in the Jihveshwara Cup just about 15 days prior to the Blood Camp; even 15%-20% of the Team Members were not seen in the programme.

We at the Swakula Chetana appreciate the good work done by SUPER SALIS CRICKET CLUB and wish them all the very best in their future endeavors.

Srikanth matrubai

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Dear Swakula Bandhus,

As promised we at the Swakula Chetana have come out with a Attractive and colorful calendar.
This Calendar is from Ugadi to Ugadi and not the conventional English Calendar..
We have incorporated all the Sapthas to be conducted in the four Major Temples of our Swakula Sali Community.
We thank the sponsors namely….
Prema Medicals
Ramakrishna Medicals
Sri Jihveshvara Vidyabhivridhi Trust
Sri Hari Silks
Sri Krishnamurthy Matrubai of M.K.N.
Sri Srikanth Matrubai
Sri Narayan Matrubai

We also like to thank Mr.Suryabhanu Jinde for designing the calendar and Srikanth Matrubai for being the brain behind the concept.
We thank the entire Swakula Chetana team for their support.
We would like to hear from you and do give us your comments, suggestions, etc to develop and make this calendar better in the coming years.

SWAKULA CHETANA, the monthly community magazine